
Sunday School

Dedicated Sunday School teachers greet children of all ages at the Sunday School which commences right after the Children’s story (about 10:45) on Sunday morning.


The Tweedsmuir Choir welcomes all voices (SATB) and leads musical worship every Sunday. Choir practices are held every Thursday from 7:15 to 8:30 p.m.

Praise Team

Led by Music Director, Julia Breen, and accompanied by guitarist, Dean Morrison, the Praise Team leads a number of contemporary Christian praise songs during the church service. Practices are held every Thursday from 6:30 to 7:15 p.m.

Men’s Breakfast

The gentlemen of the church and their friends meet the last Saturday of each month where we take part in preparing and eating a good meal as well as in devotion and Bible Study.  On occasion, we have invited the ladies of the church to participate.  We take a small collection each month to cover the cost of the groceries needed and any left over money is held by the Church for us to use.  We have used some of this money to support Choices Youth Shelter by co-sponsoring a catered Christmas Dinner for staff and residents.

Our goal is to gather together in Christ’s name to fellowship with each other and to learn more about His grace- all while enjoying a good ‘church cooked’ breakfast!

For more information please contact Neil Overbeek at 647-618-1919 or by leaving a message with the Church Office.

Ladies Fellowship Group

The Ladies’ Fellowship was first started at Tweedsmuir in 1950 with a group of young women who met regularly at each other’s homes to take part in fellowship, devotions and planning of projects to support church and community outreach programs. In 1959 after the new church addition was completed, Ladies’ Fellowship moved its meeting place to the church where it continues to get together every third Tuesday of each month (excluding July and August) at 7:00 pm. Members take turns organizing the evening’s program, and providing refreshments.

Some of the Fellowship’s fundraising initiatives have included hosting various luncheons and dinners, and organizing the annual Bazaar and Bake Sale in November, with support and donations from the congregation. These events have provided funds in the last year to contribute to Choices Youth Shelter, Hospice Dufferin, Good Friends Lighthouse, Sleeping Children around the World, Headwaters Healthcare Centre Spiritual Care Program, Youth Unlimited-YFC Orangeville and WMS. It also contributes financially to various church programs and initiatives and looks after restocking kitchen supplies and equipment.

The Ladies Fellowship also partners with WMS throughout the year to cater funeral luncheons and to assist in buying food for the lunch and snack program at Princess Margaret School. It has helped WMS with preparing and delivering Christmas gift baskets for our church shut-ins and sends Valentine cards and flowers to them in February. From May to November, volunteers go once a month to operate the Dufferin Oaks Gift Shop in Shelburne.

The Ladies’ Fellowship is a supportive, congenial, Christ-centred community of women whose meetings are open to all the women at Tweedsmuir. New members are always welcome and encouraged to join us.

Women’s Missionary Society (WMS)

The Women’s Missionary Society is a part of the Presbyterian Church in Canada whose purpose is to support mission endeavours locally, nationally and overseas.

The WMS group meets the first Tuesday of each month at 1:30 pm to study, pray for, and serve the missions of the church. We are informed about current and relevant mission and justice projects through the use of church mission studies, Glad Tidings and other resources available from the national church.

Locally, we help support Princess Margaret Public School nutrition program as well as collect school supplies, hats and mitts for their students. We also collect socks, underwear, hats and mitts to be distributed through Evangel Hall, a Presbyterian mission that assists street people in Toronto. We make prayer shawls for comforting folks who are sick or in distress, we prepare boxes for shut in members of the congregation.

Come out and join us! Our meetings are filled with joy, learning and enjoyment , some tea and goodies too!