Sunday morning services at Tweedsmuir begin at 10:30am, usually ending one hour later. You will be greeted if you enter through the north or south doors. A written order of service (including large print versions) is available at all entrances. In addition, praise team song words, readings and announcements are shown on a drop down projector screen, helping most throughout the service.
All children are welcome in the church. Sunday school begins once the children have participated in the children’s story and prayer. A nursery is provided as well.
Singing and music is important to us and each service offers both contemporary Christian music and more traditional hymns from the Book of Praise. Our Choir, sings an anthem each week and the Praise team, leads the congregation in more current music selections. Instrumental accompaniment varies, as the Conn Pipe organ, the electronic keyboard, a piano, a guitar can be utilized. Sometimes a flute a trumpet or a harmonica might make an appearance as well! Coffee. Tea, juice and treats are offered in a social hour after the service is over. All are most certainly welcome!